Walsey Hills
17/04/21 07:42 Filed in: Walsey Hills
Early Nomad (Nomada leucopthalma)
Not quite
Flavous Nomad Bee ♂︎ (Nomada Flava)
Tawny Ming Bee (Andrena fulva)
Bee Sp (1) on the the Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
Possibly Common Mini-mining Bee ♂︎(Andrena minutula)
Yellow-legged Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena fulvipes)
Bee Sp (3) on leaf of Alexander (Smyrnium olustratum)
Chocolate Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena scotica)
Bee Sp (4) Ashy Mining Bee? (Andrena cinerea?)
Not quite
A very worn Tawny Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena fulva)
Lassioglossum Sp?
Not quite
Common Mini-mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena minutula)
Dangling Marsh Lover or Footballer Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus) Which name would you choose?
Thanks to Nick Owens for id corrections and additions.
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