Ruse's Plantation - Matlask
Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
Golden Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Young Hazel leaves (Corylus avellana)
Larch cones in the making. (Larix decidua)
Red Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum)
Common Green Furrow Bee (Lasioglossum morio)
Ashy Mining Bee (Andrena cineraria)
Mourning Bee (Melicta albifrons)
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica)
Fly Sp
Gramborough Hill
Grass at the edge of the Hill
Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)
Sand Martin (Riparia riparia)
Sitting on top of the Hill as the Sand Martins flew up and by in the easterly wind. This was the best of about 80 shots.
Felmingham Cutting
Gooden's Nomad Bee (Nomada goodeniana) ♂︎
Sandpit Mining Bee (Andrena barbilabris)
Utterly amazing how they find their nest hole without any obvious signs of it on the surface and then just sink through the sand in a matter of seconds.
One female today allowed four matings before she sank beneath the sand.
Quite picky too.
She flew up and around to make sure she had a good number of males following her.
Once or twice when there were only a couple of them she flew up and on again before they had a chance and then flew round until she had more followers.
Mining Bee sp? A male?
Well the male part was fine. The orange tarsi gives this up as Hawthorn Mining Bee (Andrena chrysosceles)
Not sure of this one. In fact these with the orange hairs on the hind femur are very confusing at the moment.
In this case there also seem to be orange hairs on the other legs as well. Still lots of brown hairs with pale tips on the thorax. Likely to be a female.
3 sub marginal cells on forewing.
Not quite
The long hairs on the first two tergites help with this one. Broad-margined Mining Bee (Andrena synadelpha) ♂︎
Are tufts of white hairs on the hind femur diagnostic? Plus the white hairs on the trochanter in the above picture.
Chocolate Mining Bee (Andrena scotica) A fresh female ♀︎Perhaps
again not quite
The tufts of white hair on the abdomen and the pollen hairs white/black make this one Grey-patched Mining Bee (Andrena nitida ♀︎)
Chocolate Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena scotica) ?
Not quite
Buffish Mining Bee Andrena nigroaena ♂︎)
This looked so different. A much longer body with what appear to orange hairs at the end of the abdomen.
But probably A scotica♂︎ again.
But maybe
Orange - tailed Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena haemorrhoa) perhaps?
Not quite
The long hairs again on the first two tergites. Broad-margined Mining Bee (Andrena synadelpha ♂︎)
A huge thanks to Nick Owens for all the helpful id comments.
Abel Heath
Chocolate Mining Bee (Andrena scotica) Perhaps
More Likely
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica)
A huge thanks to Nick Owens for all the helpful id comments.
Santon Downham
Wood Lark (Lullula arborea)
Shepherd's Cress (Teesdalia nudicaulis)
Lynford Water
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
Early Colletes (Colletes cunicularius)
Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena fulvipes)
Common Mini-mining Bee (Andrena minutula) perhaps?
In fact
This one has abdomen bands at the anterior of the segments rather than the hind margin. Also a greenish tint.
Common Green Furrow Bee (Lassioglossum morio)
A huge thanks to Nick Owens for all the helpful id comments.
Sutton Fen
Common Crane (Grus grus)
Myriosclerotinia curreyana
Mollisia sp
Nettle Rust (Puccinia urticata)
Like a bunch of flowers blooming on the underside of the nettle. Extraordinary!
Pink & furry rust.
Volutella arundinis. This was the pink fluff (hyphomycete) on Juncus. Located via E&E (described on Carex).
Only two previous Norfolk records (Ted Ellis, Whatfen, 1940, 1942 on Carex and Cladium). NBN has only two other UK records (Cornwall 1952 and Leeds 2000).
From Tony Leech
Lachnum apalum
Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)
Willow (Salix Sp)
Caddis Fly larva case
Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale)
Swan's-neck Thyme-moss (Mnium hornum)
Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena fulvipes)
Mourning Bee (Melicta albifrons)
Walsey Hills
Early Nomad (Nomada leucopthalma)
Not quite
Flavous Nomad Bee ♂︎ (Nomada Flava)
Tawny Ming Bee (Andrena fulva)
Bee Sp (1) on the the Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
Possibly Common Mini-mining Bee ♂︎(Andrena minutula)
Yellow-legged Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena fulvipes)
Bee Sp (3) on leaf of Alexander (Smyrnium olustratum)
Chocolate Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena scotica)
Bee Sp (4) Ashy Mining Bee? (Andrena cinerea?)
Not quite
A very worn Tawny Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena fulva)
Lassioglossum Sp?
Not quite
Common Mini-mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena minutula)
Dangling Marsh Lover or Footballer Hoverfly (Helophilus pendulus) Which name would you choose?
Thanks to Nick Owens for id corrections and additions.
Kelling Heath
After mating the female Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica) seemed to give herself a moment or two by splaying out her legs.
Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina)
Ichneumon suspiciousus
Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus)
Mining Bee Sp?
Buffish Mining Bee (Andrena nigroaena ♂︎) probably
I find the amount of white hairs on the legs of this one to be really confusing.
I looked through Stephen Falk's images and can't seem to find anything that matches.
The abdomen doesn't seem to be shiny enough for A thoracica but….
So then A clarkella, A scotica, or A bicolor or ….?
The white on the hairs is from the white pollen on Alexanders.
Thus Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica ♀︎)
A huge thanks to Nick Owens for all the helpful id comments.
Beeston Common
St Mark's Fly ♂︎(Bibio marci) feeding on the Willlow
Willow (Salix Sp)
Kelling Heath
Thoroughly enjoying the Dandelion
Lying on a rather tatty bed of Heath Star Moss (Campylopus introflexus)
Large Gorse Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena bimaculata)
It was just on the edge of activity temperature wise this morning. When the sun went in the male bees just dropped onto the side of the path.
They were in well separated groups in places as well as singly but these two were cuddled up close.
Cliff Mining Bee ♀︎ Clearing her nest.KellingHeathAthoracica130421-2
Both of these two pictures were manually focus stacked in the field and thus show slightly more detail.
Gonia picea A tachinid fly
Spider Sp
European Gorse (Ulex europeus)
Very fortunate this morning. This pair were just close to one of the tracks through the course.
Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata)
Cliff Mining Bee ♂︎ (Andrena thoracica)
Cliff Mining Bee ♂︎(Andrena thoracica)
Cliff Mining Bee ♀︎ (Andrena thoracica)
Mourning Bee (Melicta albifrons)
Very still, caught on the cliff face when the sun went in. But very quickly active as the sun cam out again.
The yellow spot on the abdomen was very visible even when head down in the Dandelion. Fabricius' Nomad Bee (Nomada fabriciana)
A Dandelion of Painted Nomad Bees
Painted Nomad ♂︎ (Nomada fucata)
Sphecodes Sp?
Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena flavipes)
It was just at the margin of too cold today. One minute the sun was warm on the eastern side of the pile and there were thousand of bees flying with a glorious active hum. The next minute the clouds came over the temperature dropped and there was silence.
Some were caught out and just stopped out in the open, which gave the opportunity for photography. But they very quickly started up again when the clouds moved on and the sun warmed them up.
A Green Tiger Beetle