Beeston Common
Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)
Immature Common Blue Damselfly (Enellagma cyathigerurm)
Keeled Skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) alas minus one wing.
Flag Iris (Iris pseudaocoris)
Narrow-leaved Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soo Subsp. schoenophila R.M>Bateman
Information from Norfolk Flora
Quaking Grass (Briza maxima)
Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)
Flea Sedge (Carex pulicaris) perhaps
Round-leaved Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)
Common Butterwort (Pinguicula grandiflora) You can just about see the browness of the Butterwort anther smut. Microbitryum pinguiculae. The plant did in fact have it.
I hope Joshua will not mind if I add his tweet from a year ago.
A more recent tweet here
Does this mean the end of Butterwort on Beeston Common?
Joshua has been subjected to some vile social media comments recently.
I hope & I'm sure it will not distract from his work.
Beeston Common
Black Bog Rush (Schoenus nigricans)
Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)
Marsh Horsetail (Equisetum palustre)
Marsh Orchid Sp?
Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Quaking-grass (Briza maxima)
Beeston Common
Three-cornered Garlic (Allium triquetrum)
Slime Mold Sp?
Not a brilliant photograph but in the right area now. They had completely exploded before I had a chance to do any more.
Just need to find some more.
Common Jelly Spot (Dacrymyces stillatus)
Snowy Disco (Lachnum virgeneum)
Hymenoscyphus repandus
Lachanella alboviolascens
A magnified version using a 10X microscope objective.
Typhula micans on Great Willow Herb
A magnified version suing 5x life size lens.
Lachanella alboviolascens
Fungi 1 ? on Lichen
Fungi 2 ? on Gorse
Hymenoscyphus repandus again probably.
Yellow Brain (Tremella mesenterica)
Fungus of Herb Robert Leaves (Geranium robertianum) Hormetheca robertiani
Found on Hawthorn leaves Monilia johsonii The book says 'effuse' but I would say delightful scent. When leaves are kept in a box for while the scent really jumps out at you.
Hawthorn Flowers (Crataegus monogyna)
Yellow Field Cap ( Bolbitius titubans) One of the shortest lived of all mushrooms
Found on the end of a sawn trunk. ?
Fungus 3 ? nestled down amongst the Swan's Neck Thyme Moss (Mnium hornum)
Coprinellus flocculosus
Orange Bonnet (Mycena acicula)
Hypoxylon howeanum
Fungi 4?
Fungus on Rhododendron Leaf Mycosphaerella rhododendri
Thanks to Tony Moverley for the id.
Slime Mold Sp ?
Soldier Fly (Beris chalybata)
Spider Sp
A tiny fungus on the mid ribs of decaying Sycamore. Fungus 6 ?
Wasp Spider egg sac.
Weevil Sp
Scorpion Fly (Panorpa communis)
Caddis Fly Sp?
Large Bittercress (Cardamine amara)
imprints of dead leaves as well.
Became this after about 150 stacked photos. Hard and crinkly on Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) ?
This did in fact turn out to be something fungal rather than a gall.
Erupting from the branch
Tympanis Sp
Encoelia fuckellii
Thanks to Stewart Wright for id
Drinker Moth Caterpillar (Euthrix potatoria)
Scutelinia Sp or not Scutelinia Sp Fungus 7 ?
Knobbly black cups? Fungus 8?
Using a 5x life size lens.
Bluebell Rust (Uromyces mascara)
Lachenella villosa
Similar to lachenella alboviolesens but with different spores and has basidia.
Reed Mat Disco (Trichobelonium kneiffii) growing on the decaying reeds.
Dotted Thyme-moss (Rhizomnium punctatum)
Thanks to Yvonne Mynette for help with fungus ids and of course anyone else who can help.
Your name will appear here.