Beeston Common
Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)
Immature Common Blue Damselfly (Enellagma cyathigerurm)
Keeled Skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) alas minus one wing.
Flag Iris (Iris pseudaocoris)
Narrow-leaved Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soo Subsp. schoenophila R.M>Bateman
Information from Norfolk Flora
Quaking Grass (Briza maxima)
Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)
Flea Sedge (Carex pulicaris) perhaps
Round-leaved Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)
Common Butterwort (Pinguicula grandiflora) You can just about see the browness of the Butterwort anther smut. Microbitryum pinguiculae. The plant did in fact have it.
I hope Joshua will not mind if I add his tweet from a year ago.
A more recent tweet here
Does this mean the end of Butterwort on Beeston Common?
Joshua has been subjected to some vile social media comments recently.
I hope & I'm sure it will not distract from his work.
Beeston Common
Black Bog Rush (Schoenus nigricans)
Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis)
Marsh Horsetail (Equisetum palustre)
Marsh Orchid Sp?
Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
Quaking-grass (Briza maxima)