Austin's Wood
Probably Stripped Slender Robberfly (leptogaster cylindrica)
This was an impressive little thing. It was gyrating it's wings as I watched.
This whole area was full of ant's nest.
This Ant's nest was extended up the Ragwort stem
and the Ant's were shepherding Blackfly.
There seem to be blackfly eggs perhaps at the top of the open nest.
Or are these structures deliberately built to allow the ants to bring the blackly close to the plants.
Bee Sp?
A metallic glint on the abdomen?
Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera)
Chrysotoxum bicinctum
Black & Yellow Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata) with an accompanying cast of Thick-legged Flower Beetle (Oedemara nobilis)
Bumble Bee Sp
Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascorum)
Caterpillar beginning to Cocoon itself.
Caterpillar One of the Burnets
Broad-leaved Dock inflorescence. (Rumex obtusifolius)
Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Eristalis pertinax ♂︎(Front feet are yellow.)
The male provides food for the female to eat during mating.
Dagger Fly (Empis livida)
Hedge Woundwort (Stachys syvatica) & friend?.
Woundwort Shield Bug
(Eysarcoris venustissimus)
Xanthogramma pedissequum
Helophilus pendulus ♀︎
Hogweed (Hieracium spondylium)
Eumerus Sp
Our smallest Longhorn Beetle (Grammoptera ruficornis)
Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle (pseudovadonia livida) Ant Sp?
Common Mouse-ear (Cerastium fontanum)
Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Thick - legged Hoverfly (Syritta pipiens)
Gall Sp?
Sphecodes Sp
Possibly Bare-saddled Blood Bee
Soldier Fly Sp?
Sloe / Hairy Shield Bug (Dolycorus baccorum)
Smooth Tare (Evum tetraspermum)
I tried Strawberry Spot but it didn't Google well.
Ah No
Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis)
Eupeodes Sp ♀︎?
Wasp Sp?
Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietus)
Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
Fly Sp waiting patiently for a Bee
Ichneumon Sp covered in the white pollen from the Alexanders
Painted Nomad ♂︎(Nomada fucata)
Painted Nomad ♀︎ (Nomada fucata)
St Mark's Fly (Bibio marci)
Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena flavipes)
Houghen Plantation
Hoof Fungus (Fomes fomentarius)
Woodwart Sp on Silver Birch (Hypoxylon Sp)
Green Orb-Weaver (Arienella cucurbitina)
Gorse Seed Weevil (Exapion ulicis)
Fascinating details from
The Cabinet of Curiosities
Gooden's Nomad Bee (Nomada goodeniana) ♂︎
Platycheirus Sp ♀︎(Platycheirus albimanus)
Drone Fly (Eristalis pertinax)
Hind Tibia black & white
Heath Cudweed ? (Gnaphalium sylvaticum)
Fungi or Lichen ? on a Silver Birch log
False Puffball or Cauliflower Slimemold (Enteridium lycoperdon)
Two of the three stages. The top picture shows the mature stage with a papery slimey skin.
The lower picture shows an earlier stage. This was much softer of a marshmallow like texture and it holds finger imprints.
Eye Lash Fungi (Scutellineia subhirtella)
Myriosclerotinia curreyana growing on old Juncus stems
The absolute surprise of the day. I thought I would have to go to Scotland to see these. Diminutive yet so vibrant.
Bog Beacon (Mitrula paludosa) in amongst Flat-topped Bog Moss (Sphagnum fallax)
Spring Pin (Cudoniella clavus)
Good for Bog beacon & Mosses and quiet afternoon picnics
Coprinopsis stercorea on Cow Dung
Heather Weevil (Micrelus ericae) One of two small heather Weevils. This one with red nose and red legs.
Mollisia Sp
Mixed Mollisia Sp (probably Mollisia cinerea) & Orbilla xanthostigma
Heath Rustic Caterpillar
A very pale Golden Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Holly Speckle (Trochila ilicina) that is covering the upper side of the Holly Leaf doesn't generally go through to the underside of the leaf.
Holly Leaves a tough job for Fungi
A very strange coating on submerged plant debris in the channel below the dam on the Houghen Plantation. Difficult to photograph because of the reflections.
Bog Groove-moss (Aulucomnium palustre)
Thanks to James Emerson and Steve Judd for comments and corrections.
Many thanks also to Yvonne for the fungi corrections
Ruse's Plantation - Matlask
Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
Golden Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Young Hazel leaves (Corylus avellana)
Larch cones in the making. (Larix decidua)
Red Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum)