Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica)
Nettle Ground Bug (Heterogaster urticae)
Duke of Argyll's Tea-tree - Matrimony Vine (Lyceum barbarum)
Red-thighed Epeolus ♀︎ (Epeolus cruciger)
The Cuckoo Bee
Heather Mining Bee (Colletes succinctus)
Ichneumon Wasp sp ?
Micro Moth Sp?
Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
Thanks to Gill Judd for id.
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Hairs bands seem to be uninterrupted.
White hairs on the clypeus.
Sharp-tailed Bee Sp ♀︎(Coellioxys Sp) ?
Probably Shiny- vented Sharp-tail Bee Coelioxys inermis
Thanks to Nick Owens for comments.
Coelioxys id
Field Digger Wasp (Mellinus arvensis) ?
Nysson trimaculatus ♀︎ ?
Syrphus Sp?
Small Gorse Mining Bee (Andrena ovulata)
Melilot (Melilotus officinalis)
Hairy-legged Mining Bee (Pantaloon Bee) (Dasypoda hirtipes) on Sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis)
Hairy-legged Mining Bee (Pantaloon Bee) (Dasypoda hirtipes)
South facing Bank. Lots of activity present.
Red-legged Spider Hunting Wasp (Episyron rufipes)
Small Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena marginata) feeding on Small Scabious (Scabiosa columbaria)
Small Scabious Mining Bee (Andrena marginata) feeding on Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)
Ant Sp
Bee Sp?
Turned out to be
White-footed Furrow Bee (Lasioglossum leucopus)
Red-thighed Epeolus (Epeolus cruciger)
Fly Sp?
Is this by any chance the kleptoparasitic satellite fly (Miltogramma germani) with the Pantaloon Bee (Dasypoda hirtipes)?
Probably Miltogramma punctata
Robber Fly Sp?
Shieldbug hunting wasp. Astata boops♀︎
Yellow-legged Mining Bee (Andrena flavipes)
Silvery Leafcutter Bee (Megachile leachella)
Painted Nomad Bee (Nomada fucata) on Ragwort (Senecio jacobea)
Thanks to Nick Owens for comments & id
Thanks to Nick Owens for comments and corrections
Large Gorse Mining Bee (Andrena bimaculata) ?
With the orange markings on the gasters
Ant Sp? on Bramble Sp?
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica) & Ant Sp & Bramble Sp
Bramble Sp
Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Long back legs suggest a Spider Hunting Wasp.
Wasp Sp ?
Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
Large Gorse Mining Bee (Andrena bimaculata) Second generation.
Bladder Campion anther Smut (Microbotryum silenes-inflatae)
Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)
Fly Sp
Grasshopper Sp
Sharp-collared Furrow Bee (Lassioglossum malachurum)
These nest in the hard packed soil of the footpath and there are aggregations of nests where the soil meets the shingle.
This one has been attacked by a female Cerceris rybyensis (Ornate-tailed Digger Wasp) and left on the path, presumably to be collected later.
The prey is covered in pollen, which gives the Cerceris a better chance of catching one and with the added advantage that the bee is making for a known point.
Wikipedia Page
Yellow Melilot (Melilotus officinalis)
Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)
This is probably Andrena ovatatula (possibly A wilkella)
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica)
Apolygus Sp
Bramble Sp (RubusSp)
Buck's-horn Planatain (Plantago coronopus)
Many thanks to Nick Owens for a brilliant day.
Thrift Seed heads (Armeria maritima(
Astata boops
Not quite
(Eyes are much larger and join)
Padolonia Sp Probably Padolonia hirsuta
Thanks to Nick Owens for correction.
Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum)
Silvery Leafcutter Bee (Megachile leachella)
Common Spiny Digger Wasp (Oxybelus uniglumis) doing what is does best.