Sharp-tailedBee Sp
27/08/21 19:24 Filed in: Weybourne
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica)
Nettle Ground Bug (Heterogaster urticae)
Duke of Argyll's Tea-tree - Matrimony Vine (Lyceum barbarum)
Red-thighed Epeolus ♀︎ (Epeolus cruciger)
The Cuckoo Bee
Heather Mining Bee (Colletes succinctus)
Ichneumon Wasp sp ?
Micro Moth Sp?
Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
Thanks to Gill Judd for id.
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Hairs bands seem to be uninterrupted.
White hairs on the clypeus.
Sharp-tailed Bee Sp ♀︎(Coellioxys Sp) ?
Probably Shiny- vented Sharp-tail Bee Coelioxys inermis
Thanks to Nick Owens for comments.
Coelioxys id
Field Digger Wasp (Mellinus arvensis) ?
Nysson trimaculatus ♀︎ ?
Syrphus Sp?