Kelling Heath
Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum)
Leptura quadrifasciata
This identifies this as Amophila pubescens. This is a female and smaller than the Amophila sabulosa below.
The distribution Map from BWARS
Ammophila pubescens
Ammophila sabulosa
She is just putting the finishing touches to a nest hole here in the near vertical sand cliff face.
Twenty to thirty minutes ago this was a large hole in the sand. She packed it with stones and sand, which she carried in from a short distance away.
She busied herself plugging the hole and finally caused sand to fall from around the top and edges of the hole, which she then carefully smoothed into place.
By the time she finished you couldn't see where she had been.
Thrift Seed heads (Armeria maritima(
Astata boops
Not quite
(Eyes are much larger and join)
Padolonia Sp Probably Padolonia hirsuta
Thanks to Nick Owens for correction.
Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum)
Silvery Leafcutter Bee (Megachile leachella)
Common Spiny Digger Wasp (Oxybelus uniglumis) doing what is does best.