Danby Wood & Marston Marsh
08/10/21 09:59 Filed in: Danby Wood & Marston Marsh
Dead Man's Fingers
Speckled Wood
Intermediate Screw-moss (Syntrichia intermedia)?
Although growing st the base of a Poplar tree.
The leaf has a waist, recurved margins below the waist and the hair point has small coarse teeth. Also spirals when it is dry.
Bluish Veilwort (Metzgeria fruticulosa)
Green Yoke-moss (Zygadon viridissimus)
A very small Fissidens growing on Chalk soil in Danby Wood just on the edge of Norwich.
Presumed Green Pocket-moss (Fissidens viridulis)
Does have a border and the edge of the leave appears concave.
Rough-stalked Feather-moss (Brachythecium rutabulum)