Buckenham Wood
Bleeding Oak Crust (Stereum gausapatum) in a well developed over lapping stage.
Ochre Spreading Tooth (Steccherinum ochraceum)
A little bit more form
First Nature
Bleeding Broadleaved Crust (Stereum rugosa)
Crust Fungus (Cylindrobasidium laeve)
Crust Fungus (Peniophora limitata)
Margin edged in black and slightly uplifting in age.
Crust Fungus Sp?
The fluffy pink and orangey resupinate was just a pale Ceriporia purpurea. Spores etc matched and it turned a lovely purple in KOH.
Not a particularly common fungus if the NBN Atlas is anything to go buy.
Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha Sp?
Is it Scarlet Elf Cup (S austriaca) or Ruby Elf Cup (S coccinea)
This was found to be Scarlet Elf Cup (S austriaca)
Curled hairs on the non fertile surface.
Fenugreek Stalkball (Phleogena faginea) Young above, order specimens below.
An interesting piece from Jeremy Bartlett
Forked Veilwort (Metxgeria furcata)
Green Elf Cup (Chlorociboria aeruginascens)
Inkcap Sp
Glistening Inkcap (Coprinella micaceus)
Purple Jelly Disc SP?
Could be either Purple Jelly Disc (Ascocoryne sarcoides) or (Ascocoryne cylichnum)
The general jizz (Larger and more angled) suggested A cylichnum, which it turned out to be.
Common Jelly Spot (Dacymyces stillatus)
Lichen Sp?
Lichen Sp?
Lichen Sp?
Lichen Sp?
Mollisia Type or ?
This turned put to be
from Anne
The tiny cups on the dead elm trunk that we found near the end (brown with white hairy edges) were actually a basidiomycete and fit perfectly with
Lachnella alboviolascens. I spent ages looking through ascomycete books and Ellis and Ellis looking for something similar before I looked at it under
the microscope and realised my mistake! Looking at the Norfolk Mycota, this has been found quite a few times before, but its definitely a new one for me.
I attach photos of the hairs and spores. The spores are very large for such a tiny fungus!
(up to 14 x 10.8 microns).
Lateral Cryphaea (Cryphaea heteromalla)
Silver Leaf Fungus (Chondostereum purpureum)
Slime Mold Sp
Slime Mold Sp?
Spring Hazel Cup (Encolea furfurocea)
Fully open above. Formative stage below.
Tripe Fungus (Auricularia mesanterica)
Velvet Shank (Flammulia velutipes)
Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata)
Female above.Male below.
Wood Blewit (Clitocybe nuda)
Wrinkled Peach (Rhodotus palmatus)
Wrinkled Crust (Phlebia radiata)
Houghen Plantation
Black Bulgar (Bulgaria inquinans)
Blackening Brittlegill (Russula nigricans)
Variable / Mottled Bolete (Leccinum variicolor)
Bracken Club (Typhula quisquiliaris)
Some debate on this one. An odd Hoof Fungus or something else?
For a brief moment this might have been a Red-belted Bracket (Fomitopsis pinicola)
not for long
Hoof Fungus (Fomes fometarius)
Russula Sp
Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)
Crimped Gill (Plicatura crispa)
Earpick Fungus (Auriscalpiom vulgare)
Earthfan Fungus (Thelophora terrestris)
Elastic Saddle (Helvella elastica)
on keying
this actually turned out to be
Felt Saddle Fungus (Helvella macropus)
Thanks to Steve Judd for the update.
Grass Oysterling (Crepidotus epibryus)
Jellybaby (Leotia lubrica)
Purple Jellydisc (Ascocoryne sarcoides)
Clustered Bonnet (Mycena inclinata)
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Porcelain Fungus (Oudemansialla mucida)
Wrinkled Crust (Phlebia radiata))
White-fingered Slimemold (Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa)
Split Gill Fungus (Schizophyllum commune)
Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare)
Slimemold Tricia Sp
Velvet Shield (Pluteus umbrosus)
Henningsomyces candidus
Yellow Swamp Brittlegill (Russula claroflava)
Cap at this stage vey greasy.
Almost circular (sub spherical ) - ellipsoidal Rusty Brown Spores 6µm - 7.5µm
Yellow Webcap (Cortinarius delibutus)
Pellucid Four-tooth Moss (Tetraphis pellucida)
Pellucid Four-tooth Moss (Tetraphis pellucida) surrounding Forcipated Pincerwort (Cepholozia connivens) with perianths.